70’s Inspired Zipper Pouch

Retor HeatnBond Zipper Pouch

gingham girls zipper pouch 4I am loving Amy Smart’s latest fabric line Gingham Girls by Penny Rose Fabrics!  This 1970’s inspired fabric has my name written all over it and so does this project!  And my name is a total 70’s name so it totally works!!  Here’s how you can make one!

70’s inspired Zipper Pouch with HeatnBond® Fusible Fleece


Why I use HeatnBond® Fusible Fleece for my Zipper Pouch projects

It doesn’t shrink and holds it’s shape

It fuses to the fabric so quilting is not required

It is soft, yet sturdy

It holds up great in the wash

Zipper Pouch Supplies:

Scraps of fabric yielding (30) 2.5″ squares
Dark chambray 4.5″ x 10.5″
(2) rectangles 8.5″ x 10.5″ lining fabric
(2) rectangles 8.5″ x 10.5″ fusible fleece
HeatnBond® Lite Fusible Adhesive
Scraps for applique
14″ or longer zipper
Scrap for zipper end
All seams 1/4″



Zipper Pouch Instructions:

Begin by sewing (20) 2.5″ squares in 4 rows of 5 squares (above) press seams alternately.


Sew the back unit by sewing (2) rows of 5 squares together.  Before sewing the chambray piece on, appliqué the name first.  Fuse HeatnBond Lite to the wrong side of the name fabric and the daisy fabric.


Die cut the letters (or cut by hand). Peel off the backing paper and position letters on chambray.


Heat set in place.


Outline stitch around each letter and the flower in navy thread.  Sew the appliqué piece to the 2-row patchwork unit.  Press toward chambray.


Cut the HeatnBond Fusible Fleece.


Fuse the fleece to the wrong side of both the patchwork units.  Add some decorative stitching if desired.


I added a seam along the chambray to give it an accent and I quilted diagonal lines in the patchwork.


Now that the zipper pouch front and back are ready, you can finish the pouch by following this tutorial for inserting the full access zipper and finishing the bag.

I am so in love and so happy to have a new zipper pouch just for me!!!
gingham girls zipper pouch 2

Perfect to brighten up the inside of my purse and to hold all my cosmetic items.

gingham girls zipper pouch 5gingham girls zipper pouch 6

The back is so scrappy and cute!gingham girls zipper pouch 7I dug out a few of my dresses from when I was little (in the 70’s) – doesn’t this fabric just blend right in!!  So fun!!!

gingham girls zipper pouch



  1. I’d love to make that pouch. The images don’t come up for me, do you have an idea for troubleshooting?

  2. Lynda Hitchings says

    No images for me either

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