Search Results for: 14 day walk with christ

Day #2 Service Cranium

Hi!  I’m Sheena from Little LDS Ideas.  I am so excited to be here today and to be a part of Amanda’s 14 Day Walk With Christ.  I have been sharing my LDS ideas and printables on my blog for the past 5 years.  I have loved learning all about blogging, but mostly I have enjoyed sharing my ideas with others.  I share ideas for Primary, YW, Relief Societ, FHE, and a few other things.
I love the 14 Day Walk With Christ!  It’s such a great idea to get our families focused on Christ during Easter.  This year’s focus is on Service.  I am excited to share a game from my blog and hope you and your family enjoy playing it!

I have used my Service Cranium game for Sharing Time, but would be great for Family Home Evening as well. 
My Service Cranium focuses on service. As you and your family play the game you will read scriptures, answer questions/scenarios, read about parables/stories, sing songs….all about service. It’s so important to teach our children to serve others. Our Savior was the greatest example of serving and loving others. I love this quote from President Dieter F. Uchtdorf:
“As we lose ourselves in the service of others, we discover our own lives and our own happiness.” {Dieter F. Uchtdorf}  
Get together with your children and plan a fun family game night. As you play discuss the importance of service. Discuss the scriptures and stories in the game. 
And then after you have played, plan a service that your family can do together.
Items Needed to Play:
Cranium Cards (link below)
Paper & Pencil
Something to keep score (paper, chalkboard, or dry-erase board)
Quick Look at Service Cranium
There are 5 categories in Service Cranium:
Scripture Search
Question Quiz
Singing Star
Creative Cat
Each card describes an activity that each team will need to do. Some of the activities will have you answer questions, draw, charade, hum, or read a scripture, and they all are about Service.
Some of the cards have a ‘Two Team Play’ on it. When one of these cards are chosen a member from each team will be playing head to head. 
This is a great game to teach your family about Service while having fun.
How to Play:
Split into 2 teams and pick a team name for each team.
On a piece of paper or a chalkboard/dry erase board, write each team’s name, this is where you will keep score.

Decide which team goes first and have one member come up and pick a card. 
Have the person read the card and do the activity described.
If they correctly do what is asked on the card before the timer runs out, their team is awarded a certain amount of points (your family decides).
If they are unsuccessful at completing the task the other team has a chance to answer and ‘steal’ the point(s).
Continue playing until all the cards have been drawn or until you have reached a certain amount of points.
Other Ways to Play:
Instead of having the person pick a card you could create a 6 sided dice. Have each side a color of each category and for the sixth side you could have a ‘Wild’. When they land on a ‘Wild’ they can pick the category.
Service Cranium Cards
I decided to give my game, that I shared so many years ago, a little ‘face lift’.
There are 4 pages of cards for you to use for your own family ‘Service Cranium’ game night.
There are 6 cards for each category and then I included a blank card for each category if you wanted to create your own.
Just click the link below to download the zip file!
Click HERE to print page 1 of the Cranium Service Cards.
Click HERE to print page 2 of the Cranium Service Cards.
Click HERE to print page 3 of the Cranium Service Cards.
Click HERE to print page 4 of the Cranium Service Cards.
I want to Thank Amanda once again for letting me contribute to her ’14 Day Walk with Christ.’ This is such a wonderful idea and I’m so grateful to be a part of it.

I hope all of you have a wonderful day!


Christ-like Attributes: Patience

Today is Day 7 of the 14 Day Walk With Christ.  I hope you are enjoying the lessons, my family is loving them!  Even if you don’t get to all of them, you can use them for Family Home Evening lessons.  

Lesson # 7 Christ-like Attributes: Patience
Preparation:  Purchase a large bag of candy (M&Ms, Skittles, Gumi Bears, etc.)  Put a few in a bowl and set them out at the beginning of the lesson.  Tell your family if they wait and don’t eat the candy in the bowl, they can have a better reward later.  Wrap or tie a bow on the large bag and reward it at the end of the lesson.

I love this saying, “Patience is not about how long you can wait, but how you behave while waiting.

Psalms 27:14 When I wait you strengthen my heart.

James 1: 3-4  
Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.

But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may beaperfect and entire, wanting nothing.

What is Patience?
Patience is the capacity to endure delay, trouble, opposition, or suffering without becoming angry, frustrated, or anxious.  It is the ability to do God’s will and accept His timing.  Patience is related to Hope and faith; you must wait for the Lord’s promised blessings to be fulfilled; Actually, when we are unduly impatient, we are suggesting that we know what is best – better than does God. Or, at least, we are asserting that our timetable is better than his. Either way we are questioning the reality of God’s omniscience.

    Show a picture of Jesus

    The Lord, Jesus Christ, is our perfect example of patience. Though absolutely unyielding in adherence to the truth, he exemplified patiencerepeatedly during his mortal ministry. He was patient with his disciples, including the Twelve, despite their lack of faith and their slowness to recognize and understand his divine mission. He was patient with the multitudes as they pressed about him, with the woman taken in sin, with those who sought his healing power, and with little children. Finally, he remained patient through the sufferings of his mock trials and his crucifixion. – Joseph B. Wirthlin

    Testify to your family that patience is one way we come to be more Christlike. Remind your family that patience gives us the hope that Christ’s Atonement will save us.

    Role play, charades, or scenarios
    Brainstorm with your family situations in which it might be easy to “loose their patience”.  My children love playing charades, each child will come up with a scenario and act it out.  You can also role play, or just discuss situations that make them feel impatient.

    Show the videoContinuing in Patience” by Dieter F. Uchtdorf
    Talk about the dish of candy – was it hard to wait?  Was it hard not to sneak just one piece?  Give the children the large bag of candy and explain that it is always worth waiting patiently for something better.  
    Game:  Play Chutes & Ladders or Candyland or a similar type board games (don’t you agree, these games strengthen patience!!!)
    Handout:  Download HERE


    Day #6, Christ-Like Attributes: Faith

    Hi! I’m Marci Coombs and I’ve been writing my own little lifestyle blog over HERE
    for quite some time now.

    I blog about everything from: church ideas and recipes to craft tutorials and party details.  

    I love my life!  And I love the people I share it with EVEN MORE!
    I’m addicted to:  Diet Dr. Pepper, the color purple and all things polka dots!
    I was SUPER excited to be asked from the Jedi Craft Girl to be apart of the 14 Day Walk with Christ.  
    Is this not the BEST IDEA EVER for families to take part in?
    Kuddos to Amanda for creating and organizing it all!
    The topic I was given was:
    Christ-Like Attributes – Faith

    Start the lesson out by asking your children the question: 
    “What is faith?”

    Answers may include – –
    * Confidence in something or someone
    * A hope for things which are not seen, but which are true.
    Have everyone turn to Alma 32:21.
    “And now as I said concerning faith – faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things; therefore if ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen, which are true.”
    Attention Activity: Gather a plastic Easter egg, a few pebbles or grains of rice, and a small picture of the Savior. I printed mine out and just changed the sizing HERE.
    Roll up the picture so that it fits inside the egg and cannot be seen when shut.
    Shake the egg {with the rice in it} and ask the kids if they think anything is INSIDE of the egg?
    They will answer YES and then you can follow up with
     “But you can’t SEE anything in there…so how do you KNOW?”  
    Have the kids open up the egg to discover the picture.
    Explain that even though we have not seen Jesus Christ, we know He is there. We have had living prophets testify of the Savior, the scriptures are written ABOUT the Savior, and we can see His existence and all of His creations in the natural beauty of the earth everyday.
    “Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field:

    Which indeed is the least of all the seeds: but when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof.”
    Ask the kids if they know how big a mustard seed is?
    A mustard seed is about 1/20th of an inch in size.  It is one of the smallest seeds in the world.  Follow up by showing them this picture.
    Ask the kids: Do you think that it took great FAITH on the farmer’s part, to plant that teeny tiny seed – – and trust that it would grow into something large and bountiful?
    Ask the kids:

    What things are necessary to help a seed grow? Sunshine, water and air.
    If we stop watering our seeds or place it in a dark room, will it continue to grow? No.
    IF we continue to take care of our litte seed, doing everything that is necessary, our seed will staret to blossom and turn into something beautiful.
    Let’s compare our FAITH to a SEED.
    In order for faith to work, we need to plant it in our hearts.  
    Then we have to nourish it with: reading the scriptures, saying our prayers, going to church – all of these Gospel principles will help our own faith grow – – just like sunlight and water do with any type of seed.
    Read Alma 33:23.
    “And now, my brethern, I desire that ye shall plant this word in your hearts, and as it beginneth to swell, even so nourish it by faith.  And behold, it will become a tree, springing up in you unto everlasting life. And then may God grant unto your burdens may be light, through the joy of his Son. And even all this can ye do if ye will. Amen.”
    Activity: Let the kids plant their OWN seeds….literally!
    Purchase little clay pots {white styrofoam cups do the trick as well for this!} and have them decorate their pots however they’d like!
    Show them the correct way to plant a seed — while discussing the necessities for the seed to grow.
    Explain to them that faith is something that will continue to grow within us throughout our entire lives.  As long as we constantly NOURISH our faith, in doing what is righ, our lives will be blessed.
    Dessert: Serve ‘Dirt Cups’.
    This easy treat is always a hit with kiddos!
    All you’ll need is:

    Place your pudding into a cup of any kind, and top with crushed Oreos, gummy worms and gummy flowers.

    Thanks again for having me here and taking the time to read this post.  I hope that in some way, it can help your family come closer to our Savior, during this Easter season!
    For a copy of my Faith Printable for your journal you can click HERE.
    I’d love for you to follow me along at some of my very favorite places here:

    Jesus is our Foundation, Day #3

           Little LDS Ideas

    Hi! I’m Sheena Perron from Little LDS Ideas. I am so excited to be here today and to be a part of Amanda’s ’14 Day Walk with Christ.’  I am so grateful for this opportunity and hope that my lesson/activity can help you and your family remember Christ this Easter.  Thanks so much Amanda!
    Let’s get on with the lesson.

    My topic is Jesus is Our Foundation. As I was looking for ideas I came across an old article from the New Era titled ‘Storm Warning’ from Elder Neil L. Andersen.
    In Elder Andersen’s article he talked about spiritual tornadoes and shared an experience of an actual tornado (he just shared this same experience during this General Conference).
    He talked about spiritual tornadoes and that we need to be built on a sure foundation if we are going to withstand these spiritual tornadoes. I knew my kiddos would love a lesson on ‘tornadoes’ so I got to work and this is what I came up with!
    {I also used some ideas from this Lesson

    Opening Story & Object Lesson
    Begin by sharing this message from Elder Andersen {Storm Warning; Oct. 2001; New Era}
    “A few years ago we were in Tampa, Florida, to spend some time with our family. During our time there, a powerful and potent tornado touched down. While hurricanes are common to Florida, tornadoes are not. This tornado came ripping through Haines City, about 50 miles away from where we were, leaving destruction in its path.
    I read one experience of a woman in her mobile home. As she heard the winds approaching, she went into her bathroom and crouched down on the floor hoping to avoid injury. She felt her trailer shake, she was jostled around, and then everything was quiet. As she crouched motionless in her bathroom, she heard the voice of her neighbor who lived approximately 50 yards away from her. The voice said, “I am here in the front room.”
    She thought somehow her neighbor had come into her trailer and was looking for her. She soon, however, was very surprised to find that was not the case at all, but that the winds had lifted, carried, and landed her trailer upright on the top of her neighbor’s trailer. She had not realized it, but her trailer had been flying through the air. Her neighbor was actually below her, in the neighbor’s own mobile home.”
    Elder Andersen continues by saying: “When we built our house, it was interesting to see all the efforts made to securely hold the house in place. First a giant hole is dug, and the footers for the foundation are placed deep…into the ground. Steel rods run through the yards and yards of cement that form the foundation. With each adjoining part of the house, metal and steel is used to ensure that each part of the house is attached firmly to the other, and that all is tied securely into the foundation and footers. Every effort is made so that the house may remain stationary should winds or tornadoes come upon us.”
    Elder Andersen talks about building a house on a strong foundation.
    By digging and placing cement and rods that house will be built on a sure foundation. A sure foundation will support anything that rests upon it.
    Why is it important to have a strong/sure foundation?
    Do you know the song ‘The Wise Man and The Foolish Man’?
    Where did the foolish man build his house? {on the sand}
    And what happened to his house when the rains and floods came? {it washed away}
    Where did the wise man build his house? {on the rock}
    And what happened to his house when the rains and floods came?
    Just like a house we must be sure to build our lives upon a sure foundation.
    What do you think it means to build our lives upon a sure foundation?
    Display a picture of Christ and read: Helaman 5:12
    The prophet Helaman said, “It is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, … yea, when all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you … , because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall”
    Our Savior, Jesus Christ, is the only sure foundation upon whom we can build our lives.
    Tonight we’re going to discuss some ways that we can build our lives upon the Sure Foundation, Jesus Christ.
    For this activity you will need:
    ·  An empty plastic bottle {water bottle, 2 liter bottle, etc.}
    ·  Something to fill the bottle: beans, rice, water, etc.
    ·  6 small containers or bowls
    ·  Labels for each container with a way we can build upon a sure foundation. You could use scripture references, phrases, or pictures.
    Before your lesson get your 6 containers and fill each one with beans, rice or water. Label each container with a scripture reference, phrase, or picture. Here are the 6 things I am using and discussing with our family:
    ·     Study the Scriptures
    ·     Pray Always
    ·     Attend Church
    ·     Keep the Commandments
    ·     Follow the Prophet
    ·     Love & Serve the Lord
    As you talk about each way we can build upon a Sure Foundation, you will add a little bit to your empty bottle. After you have discussed all the ways your bottle will be full.
    Get Started! Get your empty plastic bottle and place it on the table. Gently push it so that it knocks over. Tell your children that the bottle represents each of us. Right now the bottle isn’t filled with anything, it’s not ‘built’ on a firm foundation. Just like the home in the story that wasn’t built on a firm foundation and was tossed around in the tornado. If we are not build upon a firm foundation we may be knocked over and give in to temptation.
    We are going to discuss 6 things that will ‘fill’ us up and help us be built on a firm foundation.
    Have a member in your family pick one of the containers. If you have chosen to place a scripture on the container then have them read it aloud and then discuss why that is important. Then add the contents of that container to your bottle.
    Move on to the next container.
    At the end of the lesson, try to gently push the bottle over again.
    As we build our lives upon the Sure Foundation, Jesus Christ, we will be able to withstand the storms of life. As we live our lives righteously it will be easier to make correct choices…we will be able to stand tall and not ‘fall over’.
    Bottle Bowling
     Fun Activity: I thought it would be fun to do some ‘Bottle Bowling’ with the family. Use 10 empty bottles as the pins and take turns trying to get a strike!
    You could even make a competition out of it.
    Split the family into 2 teams. Have one person bowl. Then ask them a question that has to do with the lesson. If they get it correct they are awarded the number of pins they knocked down as points. If they answer incorrectly they receive no points.
    At the end of the game the team with the most points WINS!

    Journal Time: If your children write in a journal have them think about what they can do to build on a sure foundation. Encourage them to make a goal and write it down. Maybe they would like to read their scriptures every night this month, or attend church every week for 3 months and think about Jesus during the sacrament. If they’d like have them share their goals with the family during the next Family Home Evening. Then have them report how they do. 

    To help you and your family remember what they can do to build upon the sure foundation of Jesus Christ, I have created these great little bookmark handouts.
    I have listed the 6 ways shared in my lesson as well as a scripture at the bottom. Place the bookmark in your scriptures, your journal, or place it in your room somewhere you will see it often. 
    Well, that’s all! I hope you enjoy my lesson, and I hope you and your family enjoy their 14 Day Walk with Christ.
    I would love for you to come and visit me sometime over at my blog, Little LDS Ideas. Be sure to say Hi! 🙂
    Thanks again Amanda for thinking of me. 
    Have a wonderful day!

    Jesus Loves Me, Day #2

    Hello! It’s Ginger from Ginger Snap Crafts! I am so excited to be participating in the 14 Days of Christ series! I think it’s a wonderful thing to do with your family this Easter season! 🙂 Speaking of family ~ I have a fun, wild & crazy one that’s for sure! ha! 😉 My husband & I have 5 beautiful & active children ages 16 to 4. They sure do keep it interesting around here. 🙂 Over on my blog I share fun crafts, easy recipes, organization tips & more.

    One of our favorite spring time traditions (that we have done several times over the years) is to hatch eggs in an incubator. We usually hatch chickens, but this year we have some turkey eggs in our incubator! I’ll have to do an update on our turkey chicks on my blog in about 28 days or so. 
    We also use this tradition to teach our kiddos about the wonderful creations that Jesus has made for us. We talk about how much Jesus loves them, and how he has created this beautiful world full of wonderful things just for us. It’s amazing to see one of Heavenly Father’s creations up close. It’s so fun watching my kiddos seeing the miracle of life. We still laugh when we think about my youngest daughter asking, “How did that chicken get in the egg?” She just couldn’t figure that one out! haha! 😉

    I know many of you probably aren’t able to hatch your own chicks but maybe you could take your kiddos to a petting zoo, classroom or farm that has some chicks hatching. It really is an amazing thing to watch. You can also find lots of fun egg hatching videos online, too. I’ve included a link to a super cool hatching video below along with some other fun activities to go along with the Jesus Loves Me theme for today.

    Today’s Activity:

    Watch this video of chicks hatching or visit a petting zoo or farm. 🙂

    Talk about how Jesus created the animals for us. Tell them that Jesus created the world, plants, animals & our families for us because he loves us. You could also talk about why we color Easter eggs & hunt eggs at Easter. Eggs symbolize new life & are a symbol of Christ’s resurrection.


    I Know That My Savior Loves Me

    Lesson Ideas: 
    Lil’ Chick Cookie Cups from The Gunny Sack
    I also made these handouts to include in your 14 days of Christ notebooks. 🙂
    You can just right click on the image & save to your computer.
    With this handout have your older kids list all the ways
    that they know that Jesus loves them.
    For younger kiddos you could have them draw a picture.
    This handout is the chorus of one of my favorite songs.
    You can really feel the love of the Savior when you hear this song.
    I made one where you can add a picture of you & the Savior.
    Then I made a handout with just the words. Enjoy! 🙂


    Faith Day #4

    Hi! I’m Ginger, & I blog over at Ginger Snap CraftsIt’s a fun place where I share my easy, simple & cute crafty ideas, projects & recipes. I also have an amazing husband & 5 wild & crazy kiddos! I’m always busy making crafts, chasing kiddos, blogging, attending church activities & all that fun stuff! It’s never quiet around our house, and I wouldn’t change a thing. 😉

    It is so fun to be over here at Jedi Craft Girl, & I’m so excited to meet all of YOU. I am so happy to be participating in the 14-day Walk with Christ. I think it’s an awesome idea to do with your family! Well, Amanda asked me to take today, and today’s topic is faith! Faith is one the very first things you have to have as you grow your testimony of the Savior!  One of my favorite chapters in the Book of Mormon is Alma 32. In that chapter Alma compares faith to a little seed.  If we plant the seed of faith in our hearts & nurture it with making good choices, attending church, praying, reading our scriptures & so on then it will grow & become stronger.

    I found these little Grow Kits in the dollar section at Target! Yay! I knew they would be perfect for this project. They had all different kinds from flowers to sunflowers to strawberries to tomatoes. I bought a different one for each of my kiddos.  Inside it has a little pot, planting medium & of course, seeds. 🙂

    First each kiddo decorated their pot with paint markers.

    Then we did the fun part! ha! You add warm water to the growing medium, & it gets bigger!  My kiddos thought that was so cool. 

    Then we opened the seed packets.  Look how tiny these poppy seeds are!

    Then we planted the seeds in the dirt!

    Now we have to care for our seed & make sure it can grow! I’ll have to update our seed progress on my blog later! So far the seeds haven’t sprouted….but hopefully soon!
    As we planted our seeds & as we care for our seeds & watch them grow we will keep talking about how we have to do the same thing with our faith! If we don’t nourish it, our faith won’t grow!
    Here’s a printable to go in your 14-day Walk with Christ journal.  (I love this Primary song!)

    Thank you so much for having me over, Amanda!

    I’d love to keep in touch with YOU.
    You can find me over at my blog or any of these fun places! 🙂

    More 14-Day Tags

    My friend, Brittany, who is joining us on our 14-Day Walk with Christ sent me these cute tags.  If you would like to download these, click HERE.

    14-Day Tags

    The Themes for each day are ready to download for our 14-Day Walk with Christ!! 
     Click HERE to download the PDF of the tags.
     Cut the tags out and put one in each corresponding egg.  If you don’t have an “Egg Board” like this one, you can always number 14 eggs and put them in a basket or do a variation of your favorite advent calendar.   I will also include a little treat in each egg.  Here is the schedule which begins on March 18th:
    Day 1 Jesus Loves Me
    Day 2 Love One Another
    Day 3 Christ-Like Love
    Day 4 Faith
    Day 5 Repentance
    Day 6 Forgiveness
    Day 7 Sheep
    Day 8 Service
    Day 9 Miracles
    Day 10 Talents
    Day 11 Bicycle
    Day 12 Gratitude
    Day 13 Atonement
    Day 14 He is Risen
    I am excited to announce that I will have a few guest bloggers on a few days.  I have been working hard to get all the printables made and uploaded.  I hope this process will be meaningful for you and your family!


    14-Day Journal Pages

    In preparation for the 14-Day Walk with Christ, I am making these journals for everyone in my family.  They are pretty simple.  All you need is one of those cheep-o photo albums from the dollar store, a printer and a paper cutter.  (I noticed WalMart carries these.  However, they only hold 24 photos.  You will need one that holds at least 28 photos.  This one from the Dollar Tree has 48 pockets)

    I have created a journal page for each of the 14 days.  On the left side of the journal will go the handout from each day’s lesson and on the right side will go the journal page.  Click HERE to download the journal pages.  There are 3 to a page.  You can download PDF versions or the actual Microsoft Office version – you can choose.   This is what they look like:


    Here I have printed the journal pages and placed them in the photo album:

     You will need 14 of these.  If you like, you can also leave some extra room for photos or other things you would like to add into the book.

    Happy Birthday Taylor Swift!

     December 13th is an exciting day in our home – Taylor Swift’s Birthday!  Last year we threw an actual Birthday Party!  We invited all the Taylor fans we knew.

    When the guests walked in they got a spritz of Taylor’s perfume, Wonderstruck. 
     Next we made Taylor Swift Christmas Ornaments!
    Everyone wrote a birthday message on the sliding glass door.  

     Then it was time to sing Happy Birthday (yes I am very cheesy).  We had cheesecake, Taylor’s favorite 🙂

     Finally it was time for the funnest dance party ever!!